Switchboard Upgrades

Switchboard Upgrades Central Coast

Faulty Switchboard Signs

At 1 Electrical & Air Conditioning, we provide a range of switchboard upgrades and maintenance – proudly servicing all clients throughout the Central Coast, Hunter region, and Newcastle.

The switchboard is the centre of your home’s electricity supply. Ageing or faulty switchboards can be a real hazard and can lead to fuses blowing or circuit breakers that trip continually. If you have a light that flickers continuously, this could be a sign of a faulty switchboard. It also represents a real risk of a house fire. Similarly, if your appliances frequently short-circuit, it may be time for a new switchboard.

If your switchboard has wiring that looks overcrowded, this can also be a sign that it needs an upgrade. If you think you may need to replace your switchboard, contact our team. We also provide expert electrical services.

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Switchboard Wires — 1 Electrical & Air Conditioning in Lake Munmorah, NSW
Switchboard — 1 Electrical & Air Conditioning in Lake Munmorah, NSW

Get Advice From Experts

Your switchboard is one area where you don’t want to take any chances with. Upgrading an older switchboard is an investment that can give you real peace of mind, ensuring the safety you and your loved ones.
It’s essential that you always consult a qualified electrician before replacing a switchboard to avoid dangerous hazards. Our skilled team has years of experience working in the electrical field and have the knowledge to give you expert advice, as well as to replace your switchboard safely and successfully. Contact us today for reliable advice and a full upgrade service from your local electrical experts.

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  • Why do I have to upgrade my switchboard?

    Your switchboard is the central hub of your homes entire electrical distribution. The power comes from the street to your switchboard, which directs the current through the various circuits in and around your home. It is important that your home is electrically sound and your family is safe.

  • Who is qualified to complete a switchboard upgrade?

    A switchboard upgrade is not a DIY home project! It is a job that requires a qualified and licensed electrician to complete, as it can be very dangerous to both you and those around you if not completed properly

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